Welcome to 'The Great Barwell Adventure". Why not join us, and take a journey through the elements which make our school such a valuable and exciting place to be! From safeguarding to the curriculum, via pupils, parents and staff, we strive to be the best that we can be sending our children out into the wider world with the capabilities to be their best versions too. Come on and join us for the ride!
Well, we’ve packed a lot into this half term, that’s for sure. How lovely to end it with love! Thank you for your donations, our table was looking very full and there was even more. Have a great half term holiday everyone https://t.co/OyxyllHLnR
2 days agoThe before & aftermath of Beaumanor Thank you to all the teachers at @barwellacademy @year4barwell for making this trip possible. He’s had the bestest time ❤️ #TheRiseAndFallOfLouieStork https://t.co/SegAdiv0un
3 days ago@year4barwell @barwellacademy thank you looking after our children the last couple of days! Millie has loved it
3 days agoWe’re on our way home!!! It’s been an amazing few days but we’re a little sleepy (and muddy). See you soon! @barwellacademy
3 days ago