Virtual Office

School Uniform


All pupils are required to wear school uniform as follows:

White polo shirt

Royal blue sweatshirt/ fleece/ cardigan

Black or grey trousers/leggings/jogging bottoms

Black or grey shorts

Grey or black skirt or pinafore dress

Blue and white checked/striped dress


For pupils in Year 6 (N.B. Only available to this year group)

School Hoodie




Our uniform can be purchased at any of the usual supermarket chains.

If families would like branded school jumpers, shirts, fleeces etc. they can purchase them from:

Graphics to Go 

Unit 12, Greenfield Business Park, Wheatfield Way, Hinckley, LE10 1BB 01455 239760



Pupils should wear plain black trainers that are suitable for sport.  


In PE lessons pupils are required to wear the following:

Round necked T-shirt (white preferred)

Shorts (royal blue preferred)

Bare feet for gymnastics

Trainers for outdoor PE

Warm clothing (old track suit or similar) for outdoor winter sports


If your child needs support or amendments to the school uniform policy, in relation to protected characteristics, please get in touch with our Family Link Worker, Jodie. 

Get In Touch

High Street, Barwell,
Leicestershire, LE9 8DS

01455 842047

[email protected]