

In our school, our PSHE curriculum is termed as Our Journey to Wellness. The research and rationale behind our journey can be found by clicking on the link below.

What is our Journey to Wellness?

If you are interested in our Journey to Wellness (PSHE Curriculum), please see below:

In the Great Barwell Learning Adventure, it sets out how the curriculum should be at the heart of learning; a living breathing thing that drives the school practices and procedures forward.  As important as we believe our curriculum to be however, there has to be more to a school.  We are educators in the widest sense of the word – we do more than teach knowledge.  We are part of a wider school family, a wider community that has a responsibility to shape the future, not just for children who attend our school but to the widest possible audience of what it means to be a good global citizen and how to flourish in our society. This is what we try to instill as part of our PSHE curriculum. 

Our Relationships and Sex Education lessons also complement our PSHE curriculum, the policy of which can be found at the bottom of this page. 

Our PSHE Curriculum

Our PSHE curriculum has been split over four year groups under the umbrella of our Wellness Tree branches and altogether, these objectives make up our 'Journey to Wellness' maps.  As a school, we have made deliberate choices as to which year groups cover the different topics to ensure that these enhance cross-curricular learning journeys as well as support our whole class texts. These maps detail what children will learn across that particular academic year. They are also equipped with the 'Journey to Wellness' symbols so that both children and teachers are aware of the focus of each learning journey and can relate these back to wellness challenges and the expedition we are on. 

PSHE is taught in each year group and a particular focus is allocated within each learning journey to ensure a total coverage and spread. Teachers are able to utilise the knowledge on their map to bring experiences to the children within the context of other learning. Some of the objectives or areas on the map are covered through initiatives such as our wellness assemblies, visitors to our school and financial literacy. 

Please see the PSHE overview below:



Inclusion in PSHE

Based on the outcomes of the research, we are driven to help support families with their physical and mental wellness.  Disadvantage for our families comes in a lot of shapes and sizes and it is not as simple as looking at children who are in receipt of Pupil Premium funding.  We believe that our whole school will benefit from a holistic approach to promoting healthy lifestyles, and when we say healthy lifestyles, we mean both in terms of being physically fit and healthy but also being mentally well too to be able to face life’s adversities and celebrate its triumphs.

We do not want to put a ceiling on our children’s learning.  It is imperative that all children, especially those with special education needs or disabilities, access an ambitious, broad, challenging and inspiring curriculum.  It should not be narrowed nor should the default position be to expect children not to be able to achieve.  High expectations of all of our children are at the heart of our vision and this of course includes all children and all areas of the curriculum. 





Get In Touch

High Street, Barwell,
Leicestershire, LE9 8DS

01455 842047

[email protected]