Key Information

British Values


As a school, we aim to serve and support our community and recognise the multicultural, diverse faith and everchanging dynamics of the world in which we live. We understand the vital role we can play in helping to ensure that members of our school community are not influenced by those wishing to unduly or illegally harm them, for example, through intimidation or radicalisation.

Taking a stance against discrimination, we follow equal opportunities guidance so that any individual or group is welcome and loved. We are dedicated to supporting children at their current age but through the messages we deliver, equally want to prepare them for their later life living in modern Britain and beyond. The British Values help us to do this. These are:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs

Our British Values are explicitly shared as part of Collective Worship, offering a regular chance for children to discuss how these may relate to national and global events and the significance of these, with further exploration of these within the curriculum.

Through this provision, we believe children will be best prepared to leave our school as holistically well, global citizens with the confidence to learn, reflect and act, being prepared to display courageous advocacy.






Get In Touch

High Street, Barwell,
Leicestershire, LE9 8DS

01455 842047

[email protected]